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How To Get a YouTube API Key to Display YouTube Video Content?

A YouTube API key is essential to access YouTube's extensive video content repository, including metadata (titles, descriptions, tags, categories), user activities (comments, likes, dislikes), channel details, playlists, and more.

With the Max Addons Video Gallery element, you can effortlessly showcase videos from a YouTube channel on your WordPress site. Simply input the YouTube API key, and Max Addons will handle all the technical details.

In this guide, we will explain how to obtain your YouTube API key and use Max Addons and Bricks Builder to display YouTube videos on your site.

Get YouTube API Key#

Step 1: Create a new project#

  • Click on the project dropdown at the top of the page (next to the Google Cloud Platform logo).
  • Click on "NEW PROJECT."
  • Enter a project name.
  • Click "Create."

Step 2: Enable the YouTube Data API#

Once you create a new project, click Enable APIS AND SERVICES on the project page.

Step 3: Enable the API#

  • This will open the Google API library. In the search bar, type "YouTube Data API v3" and select it from the list of results.
  • Click the "Enable" button.

Step 4: Create Credentials and Copy API Key#

  • On the next page, click on the + CREATE CREDENTIALS.
  • Choose Credential Type.
  • Selecting the type will show next your new API key. Copy this key and store it somewhere safe. You will use this key to authenticate your requests to the YouTube Data API.

Add YouTube API Key to Max Addons' Settings#

  • Once you get your key, go to WP Admin >> Bricks >> Max Addons >> Integration.
  • Paste the API key in the YouTube API key field, and click the Save Changes button.

This was a detailed guide on how to get a YouTube API key to display video content using Max Addons' Video Gallery Element for Bricks Builder.

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