Video Gallery

Add videos to your pages with filter tabs and carousel mode with Video Gallery element of Max Addons for Bricks Builder

Filter Tabs

Give your users the freedom to easily find the videos by adding filters to Video Gallery

Fast Loading

Video Gallery element is optimized for speed. It loads video only when the user clicks on the play icon.

Grid or Carousel

With Max Addons, you get the option to display videos in a grid or carousel mode with the Video Gallery element.

Order Control

With just drag and drop, you can easily change the order of the videos in the Video Gallery element.

Filterable Video Gallery

Easily create a filterable video gallery to save space on the page and also to better organize the videos

Multiple Video Sources

Play videos from multiple sources like YouTube, Vimeo, and Self Hosted videos at the same time.

Display Videos in a Carousel

Showcase your videos in a grid or a carousel

Lightbox or Inline Videos

Video Gallery element gives you an option to play videos inline or in a lightbox.