WooCommerce Empty Cart Button

Effortlessly integrate the WooCommerce empty cart button into your Bricks website with the Max Addons Empty Cart Button element. Simplify the shopping journey for your customers and take control of your cart and checkout pages like never before.

Customizable Text

Add custom text on your Empty Cart Button to align perfectly with your brand. If you don't want to display the standard "empty cart" text, you can go creative and add any unique button text that reflects your brand's tone and messaging.

Button Size Options

From subtle to stand out, choose the perfect size for your button. Select from small, medium, large, or extra-large to ensure it fits seamlessly with your website's design.

Multiple Button Styles

Match your button to your website's design with our variety of styles. Whether you prefer Primary, Secondary, Light, Dark, or Muted, there's a style to suit every taste.

Circle & Outline Design

Customize the look of your button even further with the option to enable circle and outline designs. Make it stand out or blend in seamlessly with your existing layout.

Confirmation Popup

Boost user confidence and prevent accidental actions with our Confirmation Popup feature. Display a simple "Are you sure?" message or add a custom confirmation text to ensure users know what action they're about to take.

Plenty of Icon Options

Select from a variety of icon sets, including Fontawesome (Solid, Brands, Regular), Ionicons, and Themify. Customize the color, position, and gap to perfectly complement your button design.

Effortlessly Clear Carts and Streamline Shopping for Your Customers

Clearing your cart just got easier with our Empty Cart element, designed specifically for WooCommerce and Bricks users. Say goodbye to cluttered carts and hello to simplicity!